Development Opportunities Tour: Chelsea


MassDevelopment hosted the Builders of Color Coalition and African-American Real Estate Professionals for a tour of Chelsea on March 15th, 2019.  MassDevelopment and the City of Chelsea’s Planning and Development Department provided a detailed overview of Chelsea’s vibrant intra-Latino neighborhoods and discussed specific future development sites over breakfast at La CHULA.

After breakfast, Karl Allen, Planning and Development Department, led a bus tour of current and future development sites throughout Chelsea.  The group was then dropped off on Gerrish Ave. for a walking tour with Aaron Wasserman, The Neighborhood Developers, that focused on neighborhood transformation and the creative financing to make it happen.  The group arrived at the old Salvation Army on Broadway to view the space and discuss development possibilities.  Finally, Carlos Matos, TDI Fellow – Chelsea, finished the walking tour of downtown Chelsea and ended with lunch at El Santaneco.


Minority Developer Financing Forum


Building an Inclusive Boston — Special Reception with Suffolk Construction