‘City puts bidders for its properties on notice: It’s serious about diversity’
Brian Golden, director of the BPDA, says it's important that developers stretch outside of their networks, to be more inclusive. WENDY MAEDA/GLOBE STAFF
Boston Planning & Development Agency aims to rebid three parcels for which the development teams fall short
By Jon Chesto Globe Staff, August 12, 2020
Dave Madan, founder of the Builders of Color Coalition, said the BPDA’s action sends a strong signal to everyone in the industry to expand their professional networks. This is just one way, Madan said, to address the persistent segregation that remains in Boston.
“I feel like this is one lever in the process,” Madan said. “We see this as a solid step ahead.”
The BPDA’s change in approach involves only the land-disposition process. However, the agency is looking to hire a director of diversity, inclusion, and equity. That person will be charged with reviewing how to improve diversity and inclusion across all of the agency’s processes.
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