BCC Back To School Bookshelf
To celebrate the back-to-school season, the Builders of Color Coalition would like to share our Back To School Bookshelf. This shelf features 12 high-quality books of enduring value, put forward by trusted real estate developers from our network. Each of these books was selected as personally beneficial in moving forward in their real estate careers.
Have a read and tell us what you think:
Peter L. Bernstein
Christopher Knowlton
Richard Rothstein
Vicky Ward
Don Peebles
John McNellis
William Zeckendorf, Edward McCreary
Thank you to the curators who contributed book title recommendations for the Builders of Color Coalition Book Shelf:
Phil Cohen, Boston Communities
Dave Madan, Boston Investments
Sandi Silk, Jefferson Apartment Group
Josue Velney, Velney Development
Dariela Villon-Maga, DVM Consulting