Builders of Color Coalition
Increasing access and diversity in Boston’s commercial real estate sector, to create generational impact in expanding economic opportunity
BCC’s network comprises real estate professionals of color, private firms, government agencies, trade organizations, and community nonprofits, to collectively create greater opportunities for education, employment, partnership, and financing
News + Events
BCC hosts educational and networking sessions, compiles a monthly calendar of industry events, and offers access to professional and business development opportunities
Sponsorship benefit packages start at $2,500 annually, and are accompanied by a range of valuable benefits across our media platforms and at our events
Thank you to our sponsors!
BlueHub Capital | Grossman Companies | HYM Investment Group | MIT Center for Real Estate | National Development | Needham Bank | Paradigm Properties | Related Beal | Skanska | UHM Properties
Accordia Partners | B'nai B'rith Housing New England | Cambridge Trust | Crow Holdings | The Davis Companies | Eastern Bank | Greater Boston Real Estate Board | Griffith Properties | Joseph J. Corcoran Company | Keller Augusta | KeyBank | Leader Bank | Marcus Partners | MassDevelopment | Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP | Paradigm Properties | Northland | Shine Associates | VHB | Visionary Investors Building Equity